These units are all of our finest patterns for Core Commanders to send into battle. You need the M.A.D Stuff files from the menu on the left in order to ensure these units function correctly. Click the images to download the units!
It's a feeling of pure style and panache as the Scythe streaks across the sky, swerving rolling, and flying upside-down. Its speed and manoeuvrability are unmatched in the Core airforce. Armed with 3 advanced missiles, it's no bowl of fruit in combat either!
File Size: 17KB Version: 1.0
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Paguro has been specially designed to offer the hardest punch and maximal firepower from a decent range in combat. Armed with eight heavy rocket packs, this animal will quell even the mightiest opponent with ease!Its moderately armoured chassis will not last long at the front line though.
File Size: 55KB Version: 1.0
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The Rambler is a medium tank pattern from the Vehicle Plant. It offers substantially greater armour and firepower to the Raider, but at a significantly higher cost. The Rambler can quickly eliminate small foes, and is more likely to make the journey for repairs in one piece than other level 1 tanks.
File Size: 22KB Version: 1.0
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The Karganeth's little brother, the Core Fluxor is a powerful adversary armed with scaled-down versions of the Karganeth's weapons systems. Much like the Karganeth, it is particularly suited to clearing hordes of small units.
File Size: 227KB Version: 1.0
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The Runt is small and tough; armed with light laser and missile launcher. Although slow, its high armour ensures that it lasts the fight.
File Size: 22.5KB Version: 1.0
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A more powerful destroyer to batter your opponents navy. The Steelhead is armed with two destroyer cannons, and also carried a medium ranged multi-purpose missile (made by GZ of STAR). The Steelhead is weak to submarine attack, so keep it protected.
File Size: 64KB Version: 1.0
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Another handy aircraft, this missile bomber is equipped with the finest air-ground missiles available. High accuracy and high damage at a high cost best sums up this unit.
File Size: 21KB Version: 1.0
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A fine early gunship, Tremor is a useful unit at any stage of the game, boasting greater accuracy than the Rapier, though lower armour and damage. Very useful for destroying the enemy's resources early on, and more effective than the Rapier against small and fast moving targets.
File Size: 44.8KB Version: 1.0
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The Bellester is a heavier artillery than your standard version, and carries the same firepower as the main cannon of the Crawler. This models also carries it's own anti-air pack to boot, but it must retract the cannon before the anti-air can be used. Switching the unit off will disable the anti-air feature (neat, huh?)
File Size: 79.1KB Version: 1.0
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The Warhog will solve your lack of second level rocket trooper problems. Based on Rumadian pulse weapon technology, this beetle-like shambling mass packs twice the firepower of the Rumadians' biomatter Rocko. Enough to give the Rumadians a bit of a shaking up! This unit is perfectly suitable for OTA (i.e. where no Rumad is installed) by the way.
File Size: 152KB Version: 1.0
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Karnajjar, armed with a short ranged pulse gun, capable of penetrating any obstacle to reach its target, and a longer ranged low-damage laser makes for a handy unit in assisting raids. It's pulse weapon is very powerful, capable of destroying some light units in a single shot, but its armour is very thin.
File Size: 112KB Version: 1.0
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The Crawler is a mobile fortress armed with heavy artillery, supported with 2 rocket turrets, and 2 laser towers. It's armour is thick, and the unit moves very slowly around the battlefield. Pieces of the Crawler may be blown off by enemy gunfire, depending on the status of the unit, and how heavily it is under attack. Luckily though, these pieces can be repaired back on. The Crawler will also self repair slowly over time.
File Size: 89KB Version: 1.0
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Proteus is a medium tank designed to help support your main batle tanks. It is cheap, relatively fast, and carries a longer ranged cannon than the standard bate tanks. Quite useful, but try to keep them away from the frontline.
File Size: 71KB Version: 1.0
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Grongo is a bigger and better destroyer for your money. It packs a standard destroyer battery cannon, Magilla rockets, and a truckload of torpedos!
File Size: 62KB Version: 1.0
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The Core Decimator was the tank from the scripting tutorial which has finally been completed! It carries 3 long ranged ion pulse guns, making a great artillery/support unit that is also heavily armoured.
File Size: 68.9KB Version: 1.1
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Gad is an air dominance fighter that can target only aircraft. Great for patrol duty, and just pickin' off the odd Hawk! The Gad saves you a lot of time and trouble eliminating Arm aircraft. Afterall, you have better things on your mind (Kargie??).
File Size: 62KB Version: 1.0
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Karganeth is Kroggie's big brother, bringing back the quality feel that Krogoth had before any Arm counterpart units were made. Costing 3 fortunes and an age to build, this supremely powerful unit will demolish any unprepared fledgling base. If you're stupid enough to let your enemy build this unit unscathed, you deserve all you get!
File Size: 403KB Version: 2.0
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It's a scout with attitude! The Ravager is a reconnaissance buggy with the added pleasure of long ranged missiles. Perfect for day trips to the beach! You will need the new version of MAD Stuff (which you can get near the top of this page) updated with the release of this unit.
File Size: 99.3KB Version: 1.0
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Atlantis s your perfect escort ship. Although expensive to build, and not as heavily armoured as the Warlord, it's armed to the teeth with a standard battleship cannon, a short ranged (very powerful) pop-up plasma compression cannon, and 3 flak turrets. Gunships will be history before you can say "Bob's your uncle"! Atlantis is weak to submarines, so better bring some destroyers along too. MAD Stuff is updated for this unit - get it at the top of this page!!
File Size: 64.2KB Version: 1.0
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Our first hover unit. The Lamprey differs from the average hover in that it actually chooses to submerse itself when travelling through water. This coupled with the Lamprey's cloaking ability gives it the extra stealth for those sneak assaults. Just make sure you have enough energy in reserve if you're going to cloak!
File Size: 69.7KB Version: 1.0
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Finally, a way to Stomp out Arm's Obice. Stomp also comes equipped with 2 missile launchers, just to make sure the Arm aren't going to bomb the unit made to spoil the party.
File Size: 105KB Version: 1.0
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This is big, (bright and shiny) bomber that delivers a payload of 5-6 heavy bombs, each causing a great deal of damage. It also has much heavier armour than the Hurricane. The Whale is very slow however, and unlikely to make it back from an attack run over a heavily guarded base.
File Size: 20.1KB Version: 2.0
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Another of the "Standard Units" project. The Templar is smaller than the Reaper, armed with dual lasers and a light cannon. Templar is both faster and more maneuverable than the Reaper, but also lighter armoured.
File Size: 28.2 KB Version: 1.0 |  Download |
Self explaining, the Core SAM is an advanced missile tower that came straight out of Red Alert in terms of looks. As how it plays, suffice to say that the flakkers aren't as cost effective as they're supposed to be. It must be protected by other towers, as it too can't shoot at ground and sea units.
File Size: 65 KB Version: 1.1 |  Download |
The Duke is a kbot with a long ranged machine gun, that has to manually reload his weapon for every 65 rounds fired. Reloading takes almost 12 seconds, so can be a major factor in deciding it's usage. The Duke has fairly heavy armour and the weapon itself does medium damage.
File Size: 45.5 KB Version: 2.1 |  Download |
A bit of ground support is just what you need to control those pesky Arm Bulldogs. The Saracen is capable to taking care of the shorter ranged Arm units with powerful volleys of rockets, so you can think about something else.. The Saracen is both slow and heavily armoured. A perfect accompanyment for Sumos and Cans.
File Size: 39.5 KB Version: 2.0 |  Download |
It's big, it's bad, and it takes young Peewees away. It's the Core Troll!. The Troll is more expensive than the Arm's family of Mechs, but then again it also has more bite. Unfortunately, the weapons cost resources as well, so make sure you're well stocked up before building the Troll. The Troll comes equipped with cannons, a laser and heavy rockets - bound to ruin Arm's day!. You'll find this monster in the Gantry. This isn't the actual pic in the game. I lost the original render (Duh :P)
File Size: 298 KB Version: 1.1 |  Download |
The very first unit modeled by our newest member, NUBE, the Magilla is your average skirmish unit, except for it's simian theme! It's walking script is, at least, cute. It has shoulder mounted missile launchers too.
The Magilla's large file size is bacause the unit comes with lots of new sounds
File Size: 256 KB Version: 1.2 |  Download |
The pic doesn't represent the Zenith's size very well. See that A.K. mounted on the gun? It's real-sized! Not a serious unit, it takes ages to build and seconds to destroy a base.
Click the pic to download the OTA version. If you intend to use it with BugFix, download this version instead.
File Size: 209 KB Version: 1.1 |  Download |
This was was created by Mr Kenyon so that our site re-starts with a couple more units. It's the Core Metron, a heavy weapon plataform. Wich means it got one big cannon, and should be scorted by a few lighter tanks for it to survive longer!
File Size: 210 KB Version: 1.4 |  Download |
The brand spanking new Core Grunt is a move over our old model. The Core recalled the old model, and replaced it with this dual-weapon critter! The Grunt carries a shotgun on it's left arm, and a laser on it's right shoulder. Both weapons can't be used together, but will organise themselves (on which should be fired), so you don't have to worry! Update your Grunt now!
File Size: 76.4 KB Version: 2.0 |  Download |