These units are all of our finest creations for Arm Commanders to send into battle. You need the M.A.D Stuff files from the menu on the left in order to ensure these units function correctly. Click the images to download the units!
 Download | The Arm Vesper is a scouting K-bot with a difference, it moves at the same rate as most standard troops, and carries a reasonable arnament to boot. Very useful to mix in with small groups to enlarge their line of sight.
File Size: 28KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | The Arm Micro is a very light tank designed to carry out early tactical manouevres, typically taking out the enemy resource engine. The Micro is very lightly armed and armoured, but cheap to build, and the fastest tank available.
File Size: 28KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | A metal extractor with a difference! The Laser Extractor comes equipped with it's own shield and light laser. Perfectly suited to those bordering regions! There are some technical details to this unit which are included in the readme file, if you're interested.
File Size: 23KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | Need the Golem to take care of things for you, well here it is! Your very own light artilery tank. Nicely armoured, and able to take care of itself on the early battlefield, I'm sure you'll put it to good use.
File Size: 54KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | An improved anti-aircraft vehicle that fits nicely into the Adv. Vehicle plant. The Hailfire will take care of those pesky fighters, while you can leave the gunships to your local flak vehicle.
File Size: 79KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | Phobos is Arm's newest and heaviest artillery gun. Structured somewhat like the Penetrator, it towers over the battlefield, raigning havoc on enemy structures and vehicles alike. A very powerful piece of equipment, Phobos carries a heavy metal expense to build, but is the most likely unit on the field to survive an assault (except from enemy aircraft). thanks to it's extreme range.
File Size: 79KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | The Shimmer is the first Arm unit to possess both cloaking and stealth abilities. This unit can sneak around to the rear of the enemy base COMPLETELY UNDETECTABLE to both radar, and nearby units, allowing you to pick off that enemy structure you really need to get rid of. Unfortunately, the Shimmer isn't cost-effective as a standard attack unit. The weapon carried is the same as that on the Arm Stumpy
File Size: 22.1KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | The Arm Scar presents as the Arm's first attempt to use Rumadian technology. Implementing an emulsion cover of the metal with unusual localised immolation properties commonly found on shielded Rumadian vehicles, extra protection is given to this otherwise light, but powerful unit.
File Size: 36.6KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | The LRM allows you to nicely pick off enemy targets from the liberty of your own base. The rockets are light, and can not be targetted by anti-weapons facilities. The launcher itself costs around that of a nuke silo.
File Size: 174KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | The Mouse is a sort of more defensive minded Shooter, aimed at intrusions into enemy territory along with other specialized units. Quite versatile, and can handle a bit of short range fire.
File Size: 41KB Version: 1.1 |
 Download | A type of counterpart to Karganeth, Orcone is big and brutal. It comes armed with heavy particle accelerators, and annihilator head weapon, and long ranged bombardment rockets. The Arm were unable to create armour much heavier than that carried by Thor, so they developed the shielding method that Orcone now utilises. Orcone is weak only to air attacks.
File Size: 573KB Version: 1.3 |
 Download | This assault gun boasts a triple barrel salvo turret specifically designed for the purpose of base-busting. Nashorn gains bonuses to armour, reload time, and aim rate if it standing stationary for a little while. It is also unable to target enemies at short range, overshooting it's targets, making it a true support unit.
File Size: 45KB Version: 1.1 |
 Download | A carrier merged with a battleship. Neptune offers the best of both worlds, but at a high price, and perhaps not as powerful as the sum of it's components. It's weapons are designed mostly for the role of air defence, but with some long range, they can be useful in battering inland targets.
File Size: 243KB Version: 1.1 |
 Download | The Imperator is a powerful proton infusion weapon, packaging clustered protons and accelerating them at the enemy. The weapon becomes more efficient as it heats up (you can approximate how warm it is by the rate the generator spins). Reload time can fall from 7 seconds to around half a second.
File Size: 75.3KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | Avalon is a little more than your average corvette. It comes equipped with vertical take-off missiles, and a standard issue of depth charges. A sure way to keep your fleet safe from the devils in the sky and under the waves!.
File Size: 124KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | The Rhino is a very special unit - it saps the energy from weapons striking it's hull, and focusses it back at the enemy! You can even see the weapon charging up if it gets hit hard enough, but the top must be opened before Rhino gains any charge.. It will also slowly generate a weak charge by itself, and will self-repair if given some respite. You need the Heavy Kbot Lab from this section to build Rhino!
File Size: 76.2KB Version: 1.2 |
 Download | The Arm Heavy Kbot Lab builds all of our big Arm kbots. It costs a lot to build, but that's the way the cookie crumbles...
File Size: 76.7KB Version: 1.1 |
 Download | Time to vac a few patterns with the Arm Hoover! This little laser hovercraft is more heavily armoured than the standard Anaconda, but also costs a tad more. Great for seeking out Metal Extractors!
File Size: 33.4KB Version: 1.1 |
 Download | Need a little more artillery support? Tripod not enough? Then get Art! it is cheaper and quicker to build than the Tripod, and though not as effective at directly bombarding, it has the advantage of being able to fire it's main gun while in motion. Art also carries a short ranged defence gun incase you just can't hold 'em back!
File Size: 133.4KB Version: 1.1 |
 Download | The Thor is a kind of Krogoth counter, but is considerably smaller and possibly not quite as efficient for the cost. It's main advantage is that it can be built from the Adv. Kbot lab. Unlike many other Kroggie counters, Thor has a whole new script (doesn't use Krogoth walk or weapons etc.). The pic ingame is different from that pictured here (lost the original full sized render)
File Size: 40.4KB Version: 1.1 |
 Download | Obice fulfills the need for a long ranged artillery tank. This weapon can out-range a Punisher, causing moderate damage. But with a very long reload time, it needs a lot of cover. Luckily, it carries a couple of light lasers itself. Not to be relied upon, though.
File Size: 144KB Version: 1.1 |
 Download | The Pacifier is a moderately armoured, high powered, short ranged tank. It is also more maneuverable than the Bulldog. It's useful against larger opponents where Bulldogs are available to sap enemy fire.
File Size: 30.9KB Version: 1.1 |
 Download | Rondine is a fighter/bomber class aircraft, carrying four short ranged, air only pulse guns, and a medium payload solitary bomb. The bomb deals enough damage to destroy a metal extractor in a single pass, which should come in useful. Although not as effective at dogfights as the more specialised Hawk or Vamp, Rondine is quite capable of defending itself against Rapiers, bombers, level 1 fighters, and even construction aircraft!
File Size: 99.1KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | This average sized multi-weapon tank costs less than the Bulldog, but doesn't carry the same armour. The rocket weapon has a decent range though. There's nothing too special about this unit, but if you're looking for a cheap accompanyment for your Bulldogs, then the Marauder is your man.
File Size: 28.7 KB Version: 1.3 |
 Download | Trocadero is a heavily armoured tank chassis with a trigger-happy kbot on top. Trocadero's weapon is specialised to destroying lightly armoured (level 1) units. A perfect riot control that should keep the students at bay.
File Size: 40.4 KB Version: 1.2 |
 Download | Time to make waves with the Arm Scream. A sonic wave projector mounted on a light chassis makes the perfect weapon for destroying large units/factories at short range. The waves will also pass out of the normal weapon range of the unit, but they will lose power as they travel, eventually becoming harmless. Just make sure your own units don't get caught in the path.
File Size: 35.6 KB Version: 1.1 |
 Download | A very unusual unit, the Arm Tripod has 3 legs, and carries a grenade launcher and a medium laser . Now the catch is (you have to get this) the grenade launcher can only fire while the unit is stationary AND it isn't using it's laser. The Tripod will use it's laser in preferance when enemies come too close, disabling the launcher. The Tripod is an expensive unit, but it's worth the cost if you can use it correctly.
File Size: 71,8 KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | One sweet unit, the Arm Blitz, as the name may be implying, is a blitzkrieg unit. One damn strong weapon that can take out most buildings with one volley of missiles. Those volleys take plenty of time to reload, so it absolutely requires escort.
File Size: 55,8 KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | Time to put some (doggy) style on your game! One smart fellow, the Terrier is your choice for support fire on early attacks with level 1 units. Good boy, good boy!
File Size: 103 KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | Now, this is a unit that puts the term "bombing run" to use! The Stratos isn't your regular bomber; it releases loads of explosives. Designed to better damage cramped bases.
File Size: 138 KB Version: 1.0 |
 Download | This little toy is a scrapper tank, called Mojo, for Arm! Built by the vehicle factory, it's kind of what the Stumpy should be when compared to the Flash. Didn't got what I said? Never mind, just try this unit and you will see.
File Size: 41 KB Version: 1.1 |
 Download | Here it is, my first unit and the reason this site started: the Arm Fork! An advanced striker (i.e. air-to-ground attacker) with a tachyon gun. Built by the Adv. Aircraft Plant, it's stats may look unbalanced, but believe me: try it before jumping to conclusions.
File Size: 42,1 KB Version: 1.0 |